Friday, June 1, 2007

Daily Painting Animal Portrait, "Bosley's Nap"

"Bosley's Nap"
Oil on Canvas Panel
Artist's Collection
Click picture to enlarge

Here is the latest portrait of Bosley, our very own four legged friend and model for this artist! He keeps me company in the studio and in the afternoons, after going in and out to the backyard about a hundred times to check on the squirrels and chipmunks, he takes a nap. Sometimes he lands on the couch or the fleece dog bed which you can see next to him in the painting, but this time he just crashed on the hard floor. Fortunately for me, my camera is handy and I got down on the floor and snapped this pose. In case you can't imagine it, he has abundant hair and this was no easy chore to paint. Grooming is a daily process, an activity he only likes round about bedtime when he is tired and enjoys the attention. I suppose it is soothing at the end of the day to be combed and fussed over. Anyway, here's our guy and I guess you can tell we love him a lot.


sandy said...

I think this is my favorite dog but I think I might have commented on your other blog.

The textures are great.


Mary Sheehan Winn said...

He looks well loved.
I have an expression I use which is, "there is no love like dog love, Amen."
You do very nice portraits.