Saturday, December 11, 2010

Oscar, Bella, and Odie

"Oscar, Bella, and Odie"
Oil on Canvas Panel

Click on image to enlarge the view.

I haven't posted on this site for quite a long time, so apologies for that. It has been a very busy year, to say the least. I have a couple more dog portraits under commission coming up so, hopefully, it won't be so long again until I post here.

This painting is of Oscar, at the top, Bella, on the left, and Odie on the right. Oscar is no longer with us, but the idea here was to celebrate the three treasured dogs of a sweet lady in Florida. Her mother commissioned this portrait for a Christmas present for her daughter...and I am shipping it off on Monday to get there in time for Christmas. All three of these dogs are rescue dogs. (Dog pound dogs, I guess you can say.) Pedigree doesn't matter when you love someone.....that's my philosophy anyway!

On to the next dogs...
Have a wonderful Christmas!!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My Funny Valentine - Dog Portrait

"My Funny Valentine"
Oil on Linen Panel

Click on image to enlarge the view.

Every time I paint a dog portrait, when I get it finished, I think it is my favorite. If you look closely you will see a marking in the shape of a heart on this fellow's nose. I didn't notice it when I first fell in love with him, but when I studied the photo closer I saw it. Hence, the title,"My Funny Valentine." I started him before Valentine's Day, but just managed to get back to him the end of this week.

The local Cancer Society Auction is coming up and, like last year, I am donating a dog portrait to the effort. I thought maybe another example of my work would be beneficial to them.